Michael and Sam wanted to spend a trainings day at Bolzano (Italy) to escape from the snowy Innsbruck. Unfortunately Sam crashed in the third run and hurt his right arm. After an half hour walk to the next road and an one hour wait for the ambulance they reached the hospital. After the x-raying the doctor came to the conclusion that the ellbow is dislocated. They put it back in place and Sam got a gypsum. Thanks to Michael's parents for picking us up at Bolzano!
A few days later Sam visited a sport surgeon and made a MRT. Unhappily the straps were torn and Sam underwent surgery on 28.2.2013.
Now Sam has a lot of therapy and wears a splint. Hopefully he is back on bike beginning may!
Big thanks to o-look24.com and Bikeloc for the support. Oakley supported us with some
great Oakley glasses and goggles and with the great Bikeloc products our bikes will be fresh and clean for the whole season!

Last week visited us the Emanon director here at Innsbruck and brought a lot of stuff.
Thanks for the Emanon parts and frames, Rock shox suspension, Continental tyres and Speer wheelsets. We will rebuild the bikes with the parts from our sponsors when they arrive.

Fortunately the weather is not that bad at the moment and so we have a lot of fun testing the CAN DH!
We're looking forward to summer!
We'll keep you up do date www.facebook.com/emanongrt
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